Characteristics of display:
- depend of 3D model panel and aircraft type.
- We recommend about it, but custom dimension can be available.
For Helicopter models type:
- HD 16:9 (200 cm x 140 cm High Definition picture)
- Visual display: 70° vertical x 110° horizontal field of view (flat)
- Realistic Down view: if you look at your foots, you will see the ground (runway)
- 25<fps<50 (video refresh rate)
- Horizontal 15" Touch display & 3D view buttons control (or control by mouse)
- Low latency control response thanks to Linux
- Front projection (Rear projection is possible)
- Only on video projector required
- All simulated devices are reachable by mouse
- Instructor Operator Station (IOS) designed in X-plane to control instructional functions like meteorological conditions, environment, airports and simulated aircraft failures (Emergency Procedures Training)
- Specific 3D modelling of visual objects such as Oil Rigs, Helipads and Ships.